Project Experience

Elevate Your Skills with Real-World Projects

In the competitive landscape of Data Science, Machine Learning and AI, there’s no substitute for hands-on experience. The application of knowledge in the real-world is what truly sets candidates apart. That’s where our project-based learning service steps in.

We offer you the chance to work on actual Data Science, Machine Learning and Generative AI projects, enabling you to showcase your skills, gain invaluable experience, and improve your employability.

Why Opt for Real-World Project Experience?

Hands-On Learning: By working on real projects, you get to apply your knowledge to practical situations. This hands-on experience helps you understand and appreciate the nuances of Data Science, Machine Learning and AI, enhancing your skill set.

Diverse Project Opportunities: Choose from a wide range of projects spanning different aspects of Data Science and Machine Learning, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Generative AI, Language Model Learning (LLM), Time Series Analysis, and more.

Manageable Commitment: These projects are designed to be completed in 1-2 months with a weekly commitment of approximately 5-8 hours, making them easily manageable alongside your existing work or study commitments.

Professional Reference: Upon successful completion of the project, you’ll receive a professional reference from the project manager and the organization. This reference can significantly enhance your CV and provide credible proof of your skills and experience.

Increased Employability: Employers are increasingly looking for candidates with practical experience. Having real-world project experience demonstrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge, solve complex problems, and work on a team – all of which make you a more desirable candidate.

Skill Enhancement: By working on these projects, you’ll gain new skills and refine existing ones. This continuous learning process can open up new opportunities and help you excel in your Data Science and Machine Learning career.

A Career-Building Investment Starting at $399

By investing in real-world project experience, you’re investing in your future. The hands-on learning, skill enhancement, and professional reference you’ll gain from these projects can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job in Data Science and Machine Learning.

Start working on a real-world project today, and propel your career to new heights. Let’s make your resume irresistible to potential employers!

This project experience is intended for individuals who have recently completed some data science and/or machine learning courses, or have some industry experience, and they are looking to optimize their CV/resume, presentation, LinkedIn profile, by showcasing real-world application of their skills, as well as gain new ones.  This project experience is to help you maximize your opportunities by making you a more complete data scientist and/or machine learning engineer.

The project manager is Fred Premji, a Principal AI/ML engineer with over 9 years of industry experience.  Fred has also been an instructor and mentor for the MIT Data Science & Machine Learning program, with a rating of 4.9+/5, and has helped thousands of learners with their careers.  Find his LinkedIn profile here.  You are also likely to interact and collaborate with other members of our team.

First, you inform us of the type of project you’d like to work on (NLP, computer vision, generative AI, etc.), along with any particular technologies and tools you’d like to use or learn.  Then, our team will come up with a narrowed selection of projects from our list of on-going projects that fit your needs.  Next, you will be instructed how to go about this use case, and have regular discussions with the project manager to help guide you, teach you, and show you how it’s optimally done.

The project experience lasts between 4-6 weeks on average, and requires about 5-7 hrs of work per week. You can work on it according to your own schedule.

The project experience is $399 USD, and it includes work on a data science and machine learning project using the latest in-demand tools/methods, guidance and mentorship from an experienced AI project manager, and once the PM is satisfied with your work completed on the project, you will get a reference that you can use for your resume/CV and LinkedIn profile.  This reference can be in form of a letter, or via phone, as your potential employers require.

You will get priority customer support for any additional questions/concerns you may have.  You will also get access to special discounts and offers for additional services you might be interested in, especially for other projects you’d like to do.

Boost Your Career!

Get an edge over the competition and present yourself in the best light possible for all jobs that you apply for.  Don’t leave anything to chance!

With proper guidance, you will breeze through the selection and interviewing processes.  Dramatically increases your potential opportunities and the number of offers.

What You Get

A professional experience working on a project that will provide you with learning valuable skills and to showcase on your CV/resume.